Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Made That Shit!

I really wanted to use Movie Maker for this, but it's acting up and keeps freezing on me.

Anyway, the hubby and I wanted to test out our culinary skills today. We had actually been trying to decide what recipe to try our hands at and decided on spicy fettucine curry with prawns and mushrooms (found this on It was a bit ambitious for two people who opt for microwaves over stoves, but hey, we've got skills like that. I also have a cookbook and Jeff picked out a banana cream pie for dessert. We were out most of today, hunting down ingredients at the Asian markets (soooo much cheaper). Whatever we didn't find at Pacific Super, we got at Lucky's. One ingredient (fresh cream) was elusive. I even called Katelin and bothered her at work, but no go. Thanks for the effort, though!

Our supplies gathered, we headed back to my house and got down to it.

Slicing up the bananas for Jeff's pie:
Jeff mashin' them up for the filling.
Jeff actually started on the crust (crushing the cookies + mixing it with butter + spreading it over the pan), but I smoothed it out for him :)

Okay, so the recipe said we needed whipped cream. Genius that I am, I bought the one in the carton instead of the one in the can. This is a picture of Jeff trying to whip the whipped cream. lol Our arms started to get tired, so we poured it in the blender to speed things up. Another genius move. We ended up with half milk, half froth. Not attractive. So, we went off to the corner liquor store to grab a can (wondering all the while if we looked suspicious ONLY buying whipped cream). We had images of the clerks nudging each other as we left with knowing smiles. IT'S FOR PIE!!

The (somewhat) finished product.
It said to refrigerate for 4 hours. Honestly, do you think that happened?

With dessert in the freezer, we started on the main course. Truthfully, I was a little intimidated and nervous about how it would turn out, but you never know until you plunge in! In this picture, Jeff is shelling the prawns and I'm gutting them. Who wants dirty intestines messing up the flavor? Spew. Nikki being helpful.
A nice, long one!
Honey using the skins to make a broth for later.
Jeff is basically just a big baby, so guess who ended up chopping the onions.
Browning the garlic.
I think that this can pretty much be considered his cooking outfit.We like to keep things spicy.
Can you say, "Ticking time bomb"?Try n tell me that doesn't look great.After we added the prawns, spices, & broth:
Jeff adding the cream to thicken it up.
Oh, yes. We grubbed tonight!

It was fun! And everything turned out delicious, even the pie. I say, "even the pie" because we took it out and ate it prematurely and it was still mushy. Mouth-wateringly mushy. lol I realized that Jeff and I were all-business while we were cooking. We didn't really crack jokes, but we were really in sync with each other's actions. I love him so much and his willingness to not only try new things, but just do ordinary things together.

It's almost 2 years!


XPPINKXX said...


i love bloggas that can cook...
FYI they closed down...i was soooo depressed...i had last my hour of surfing at work =(...i found a new site it's called concept! you banana cream pie loooks reading and im salivating at the word cookies and butter

as for whipped cream im nudging what did you do with the rest???

anywho stopping by to say hola

Anonymous said...

I Love your hair girly!! and I want some food now.... :)