Monday, November 24, 2008

No Class

What the fuck is happening to people nowadays!?

I swear to God... every time... every SINGLE time I watch the news, I see something that makes my blood boil. Make me shake my head in disgust. Morals... manners... class... decency... all that is just being flushed down the toilet.

I just watched this report on an 80 year old woman who was attacked by 3, 20-something "men" while collected cans and bottles. What the fuck is that shit?! And, from what was reported, they did it just to fucking do it. They didn't rob her. None of her possessions were taken. They just fucking attacked her, started kicking, and beat her with a stick until the stick broke.

How the fuck do you do that?! She was completely defenseless and just a sweet, little, old lady (according to the neighbors, who were also pissed off). Every time I finish watching the news, my jaw is so tense. I swear to God! That poor woman. She was under 5 feet tall AND under 100 pounds... and now she's unconscious in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. I hope the witnesses come forward.

I hope those three assholes are found, convicted, and become prison bitches. It's less than what they deserve.

OMG! I can't even write any more!

1 comment:

FuN and MakeUp said...

yea i LOVE them tooo! its not too late to buy their tickets! if ur in LA area... =P ive been to two of their oterhc oncerts too but really unsatisifed cuz it wasnt all of them! but now it is.. really excited!